Saturday, October 30, 2010

Help! Potty Training, Again?!?

O.k. fellow moms, I need your advice about potty training.  We gave it a valiant effort this summer, but K just wasn't ready.  We went back to diapers and quit talking about it, figuring he'd let us know when he was ready.  Today he completely surprised us by declaring he needed to use the potty.  He did and then I gave him the option of underwear or diaper.  He chose underwear.  He did a great job in the morning of telling us that he needed to pee, and only had one accident on his way to the bathroom.  After nap, he still told us, but he was already peeing while he stood on the carpet.  He had three accidents in a row, sigh...  I don't know what to do at this point.  What worked for your kids, and what didn't?  How long did it take for them to truly be trained and not having daily accidents?  Did any of you go back and forth between diapers and potty training?  Thanks for your advice!


  1. Hi Amy! Your sister Katie pointed me towards your blog.

    Ah potty training-I had mixed emotions about our endeavor. We went through about 2 weeks of on and off accidents until we pulled out our little travel potty. It was as mobile as him. We had one of those puffy little seats that goes on the actual toilet, but Isaac avoided it like the plague.

    We struggled with #2 accidents for a while until Mommy got a little extreme--he had to rinse and wash out his own undies--he finally stopped pooing in his drawers! It sounds awful, but we used lots and lots of soap after he was done washing.

    I tried to start potty training at 18 months. I had a goal of him being potty trained before 2 years old, but he didn't understand those little signals to go. He was essentially potty trained by 2 1/2 years, and now, almost a year later, we just have a few accidents at night. It was a progression and a few regressions.

    Advice...keep at it Mommy! Isaac wore diapers on trips to the store, car trips, naps and at night. His first time in undies lasted about half an hour. I finally settled on setting an egg timer for periods of 15 minutes and asking him if he had to. At half an hour, I walked him to his potty and asked him to try. If nothing happened, we tried again in 15 minutes. Isaac drank lots of water and milk in the mean time to help stimulate him to understand that "gotta go!" feeling. We did this for a few days.

    Don't get discouraged! Keep it up! You're doing great :)

  2. Hi, Amy! I'm sure you'll figure out what works best for your family and your little ones, but since you asked...
    Oliver was 3-ish by the time he was potty trained. Jack was 2 1/2. With both, we just started having them wear underpants, and we made them go every 1/2 hour (at least). If they were successful in any way on the toilet, I gave an M&M. :) (We're definitely not above bribery when it comes to this sort of thing.) We used pull-ups for naps, nighttime, and occasionally for church, long car trips, etc. I cannot remember a single accident with Oliver. With Jack, he had an accident almost every day the first couple of weeks. So, I think if you just stay at it (and do your best to stay positive), he'll get it. Don't be discouraged -- every kid is different, and you will get there!
    Oh yeah -- we did not use any sort of child's toilet or seat insert. I just didn't have it in me to deal with the extra germs. :)
    Good luck!

  3. Ana & Allison,
    Thank you so much for your advice! We've tried bribery, for sure! And we're trying to praise every little bit of success and not focus on the accidents. Seems like we all have to muddle through it and figure out what works with each kid. I love the idea of having him clean up his own underwear! I'm keeping that idea tucked away for possible use later on. We're taking a break for today. We'll see how things go tomorrow.
