Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our Trial with the Clock

What in the world is this?? Read below to find out!

Our son likes to wake us up way too early.  My sister has a friend who put a clock in her child's room.  They taped over the minutes and told their son that he could get up at eight.  It sounded like a good idea, and I was willing to try just about anything.  I am not a morning person! So, about three weeks ago, we gave the clock idea a try.  It's worked out brilliantly!  Our son is allowed to get up at seven each morning.  He might wake up at 6:30, but he'll play in his room until seven and then promptly come to our room and proudly announce, "The clock says seven!"  It's been absolutely wonderful to have that little clock in K's room.  He knows when his nap is, what time to get up from nap, what time dinner is, and when he's supposed to go to bed at night.  His understanding of our daily routine has expanded greatly thanks to our digital clock.  Plus, we noticed he feels much more at ease and a sense of trust has deepened as he was able to comprehend when things will happen.  It's sort of like he feels a bit of control or comfort in knowing what time things occur.  We also use the clock to tell him when he can watch his daily video, or have a snack.  That way he doesn't keep pestering but just waits till he sees the promised number show up on is clock.  Soon I think we'll peel the paper off the minutes and put an arrow over the hour, so he can see the incremental progression of each hour.  

It's eight, time to get ready for bed!


  1. In teaching our girls how to read the clock, we use the hand clock and drew pictures next to the clock to show when they could come to our room. It worked for us.

  2. Great idea, Lisa! We haven't attempted analog clocks yet.
